Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Is it O.T. or O.B. ??

Hi all..

This post is related to the day-to-day routine life of Software Engineers.. :)
Normally O.T. stands for Over Time.. But is there any terminology of that sort in Software Jobs, apart from shift works [Even that will be for 8 hours a day].. Actually there isnt anything like that, There is no *need* for a Software Engineer to bug and sit infront of the computer for hours and hours [meaning, may be >8 hrs appr] per day, apart from exceptional cases like Deadlines, Prod Issue etc.. As long as you do your work *smartly*..

But, that isnt the case with most of us, we see lots of people staying late hours [apart from exceptional cases], Are they doing O.T... Nope they are doing O.B.. ;) May be from a married person's perspective, who comes and leaves office in time [lets say], as there are even exceptions in those cases, because of the problems in their home [thats diff.. {Note:1}]; he/she gets irritated a lot to see these young guys sitting late hours.. and putting lots of scene infront of their managers.. ;)

Okayss.. Lets see what are all *may* be the reasons, for these young bloods to stay late and trying to put scene.. Here you go:
  • They dont have any entertainment in their houses [no TV, gud company..etc] , so anyway they need to kill time
  • They can use the company's cab when they stay late [happens in VZ, even i have did that]
  • They can order for dinner, and eat in company itself and claim the same bill.. :D
  • Some extra-ordinary cases, have this feeling in their *blood* itself, like not to move from their seat, even when not doing any productive work.. ;)
  • Above all, they can show their managers that they are working soooo hard staying very late [that means, he/she is also there at that time.. !! what about him/her ?? think recursively, even {Note:1} applies here ]

So.. the reasons may go on increasing.. But will stop with that..
One more thing is that coming to office during weekends..Though i hate this, i am failing.. This is because, i get bored by sitting vetti in house, and so coming to office and watching movies, chatting, orkutting.. have become a routine.. I will try to avoid the same.. ;)

Okayss...Lets all.. *Try* to Come in Time, Do our work Smartly, And Leave in time.. ;)
Happy Working !!!


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Peace ??!!

Hi all..

At times, we end-up in fighting with our own bro/sis...
At times, we join hands with our bro/sis to fight with neighbour gang...
At times, we join hands with our neighbour gang to fight with neighbour town ppl..
At times, we join hands with our neighbour town ppl to fight with the neighbour states..
At times, we join hands as an entire nation to fight with the neighbour nation..

Why havent we gone beyond that limit ???
Why have we forgot that we all are juz humans, apart from having various divisions in ourselves brought by race, religion, color, language etc etc ???
Why cant we all stay together in peace for the very limited/precious period of our life time we are going to have in this wonderful place called Earth ???!!!

Sep 21st

[Snap taken by anandps.. Love it sooo much.. thought of putting it here]

Till next post

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Widely spoken Languages in the World !!!

Hi all..

I recently came across this site [KryssTal]. And i just wanted to share certain information given in that site. This site has got many information related the researches made in the Evolution of Languages, their Scripts, their Families and things..

So, just browse through those pages, you will find them interesting. The 30 most widely spoken languages in the world is given in this page [Widely Spoken Languages]

Till next post

Saturday, September 02, 2006

బొమ్మరిల్లు !!! [Bommarillu]


Bommarillu.. We were trying to get tickets for this movie for the last two weeks, we failed, atlast we got to get up so early on saturday and watch a morning show around 10 am to watch this movie.. So wats that gr8 in this movie, which s makin it run house-full even after 4 weeks of time... hmm.. Even i heard tat some of my Colleagues, went for the movie thrice... :0

So, wat s that is different in this movie ?? I cant say it tat plainly.. But still i enjoyed to the maximum [even sittin n watchin in the 2nd row from the front.. :( ].. And also later realized tat the movie is a bit lengthy [3 hrs], but dint even feel a bit tat its lengthy !!! :)

Siddharth the son of Prakash Raj & Jeyasudha, was born with a silver spoon.. He has got an elder sister, elder bro n his wife n their children, younger sis.. and the family is big !!! But there is no much FUN in the family, they are even scared to speak loud in front of Prakash Raj [ THE naanagaaru {father}]

Prakash Raj, a typical father [high class and also a manchivaadu{a good person}], who cares for his children and their life.. So he impart each n every desire of his on his children in particular our HERO, Sidhaarth [Siddhu].. He made him as an MD n his company, but Siddhu has got no job except signin papers, while all the other jobs are done by his naanagaaru.. And Prakash Raj also fixes engagement for his son..

On the other side, Siddharth, a typical youth of the time, does feel a lot for losing his INDEPENDENCY.. And his aim in life being Career and Love Marriage.. And both of it were destroyed at a point, when he sees Jenelia [Haasini].. A typical character.. may be i felt tat "s she half-minded..??" [in some initial intro scenes] But a nice character.. {somewat like gajini asin} She s succcch an outspoken character and a naughty gal.. And this s the main thing, the movie s goin like anything..

She comes to his life, falls in love.. and Prakash Raj gets to know all abt this, After discussions.. He asks Siddhu to make Jenelia to stay in their house for 7 days, and after tat if they all feel OK, then "Success to their Love.." And the not-so-spoken, so much crowded house, starts to see all fun.. in tat 7 days 'coz of Jenelia...!!!
After tat, how the father-son cold-war things went on.. Tats the end of the movie !!!

Full of youth, fun, family senti and stuffs.. Nice movie to watch.. :)
I hvnt tried b4 to write a review abt a movie, this s the first one.. :( So ppl hav to adjuzz wid this.. :) :)
Bommarillu literally meaning Toy House, has been chosen as the title to describe Haasini i believe.. :)

[One rumour around here s tat : Vijay got rights for dubbin this one in Tamil.. ;-) ]

Till next post