Wanna reduce around 5 kgs in 7 days.. Here is the Diet Program given my General Motors.. GM Diet.. Check this link too, if u are a veggie..
So, from where i got these links and why am i making a post about this out here ???
Huh.. Its all because of the way my room-mates are trying to fight hard for their food for the past 2 days..
Yeah.. Both of them wanted to reduce their weight, and got to know about these Diet Program from one other person who reduced her weight drastically because of this program.. :0 Which in particular gave these guys extra courage to get into, Though they are finding it hard to continue.. :P Lets see how they are gonna finish these 7 days.. The worst part of this is that, i am also suffering as these guys are saying NO to cook !!! :(
Completely packed with Fruits and Vegetables :(
Venkat giving a nice post out there.. :)
Leave all these stuffs..
Anybody, do tell me is there any Program to gain 5 kgs in 7 days.. :P
Am barely in need of such a Diet Program.. He he he :D
Till next post,
The efficient way is to transfer the extra kozupu from them to u. If its ok for u i will bring a cow injection syringe.. even i am ready to donate my extra kozupu. Cost is just .1 million per kg.... or one another easier solution is to put some 5 kg thagara dabba or pazaiya erumbu saman (in exchange of dates) into ur body and seal it.... he he he...
This comment by itself shows that you have got toooo much of Kozhupu accumulated in ur body... :P
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