And this particular thing, [Not just a] Site Tracker from Google, has also stolen my heart.. ;)
It got released well before, and its free of cost too..
I just wanted to share this with u ppl, about how its different from other Trackers..
This one will be of great value for various *Sites* which want to improve their Visitor count and wanna track the Goals they set.. How to improve their Web Design, Marketing, Search Keywords analysis etc etc.. [Al l those are tooo good.. :) ]
I just tried this Tracker for my BlogSpace, and am having fun looking into various, various reports, graphs that are getting generated. There are also different views being given in the Dashboard.. :)
Here are some snapshots.. :D
Executive Overview:
Overall Keyword Conversion:
The other stuffs that attracted me are, the Length and Depth of the Visitors of my Site.. And also every detail in these reports, can be drilled down to the maximum extent.. :)
Am i looking too much into my Reports and wasting time ??
I donno.. But its really really coool.. :) ;)
Till next post,
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